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Trojan horse is stealing Facebook accounts!!!

Hello everybody. Sorry I didn't post anything for a couple of weeks because I’ve been busy. Now i have some time to inform you about couple of new things. Five days ago Microsoft published warring that Browser extension hijacks Facebook profiles. The Trojan horse called JS/Febipos falsely represent itself as an add-on  for Firefox and Chrome and checks if user is logged on Facebook. If you are logged on Facebook account than he tries to copy your configuration file which includes the list of commands such as likes, shares, messages, requests for gropes and stuff like that.
For now this JS/Febipos targets users in Brazil. The reason for that is because this Trojan horse is written in Portuguese but he tries to upgrade as any other add-on for the internet browser. My personal recommendation is to be aware of what add-on you install for Google Chrome or Firefox because this add-on could steel your Facebook account. 


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