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"The World in 2030" by Dr. Michio Kaku

Hy everybody. Yesterday I've discovered a couple of videos by Dr. Michio Kaku. He's a well known physicist and in this post I will give you some videos that I've discovered on youtube. For me all of these videos are very important but most memorable one is "The world in 2030 by Dr. Michio Kaku".
Dr. Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist and the Henry Semat Professor at the City College of New York and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, where he has taught for more than 30 years. He is a graduate of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and earned his doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley.Dr. Kaku is one of the founders of string field theory, a field of research within string theory. String theory seeks to provide a unified description for all matter and the fundamental forces of the universe.His book The Physics of the Impossible addresses how science fiction technology may become possible in the future. His other books include Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension , selected as one of the best science books of 1994 by both the New York Times and The Washington Post, and Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos , a finalist for the Samuel Johnson Prize.
So how will the world look like in 2030? Take a look at this video.

I've also found some of his short video interviews. Here is a couple of them.

1) Which is the strongest material known to man? Graphene is in incredibly strong, one-molecule thick layer of carbon atoms that could someday be used to create life-sustaining nanorobots. Check out the video.

2) How to reverse aging? With enzymes like Telomerase and Resveratro. Enzymes like Telomerase and Resveratrol, though not the Fountain of Youth unto themselves, offer tantalizing clues to how we might someday soon unravel the aging process.

3) Can We Resurrect the Dinosaurs? Neanderthal Man? In this video Dr. Kaku answers the question of whether it is possible to resurrect the dinosaurs by "turning on" their ancient genes? Moreover, now that we have also sequenced the genes of the Neanderthal man, at some point in the future it may be possible to bring him back. And then of course, if a young Neanderthal boy is born then the question is where do you put the boy, in a zoo or at Harvard?

4) How to Program a Quantum Computer. Quantum computing already exists, but on a truly miniature scale. We'll probably have molecular computers before true quantum ones, says the physicist.


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