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Wilkes supercomputer , named after the pioneer of computing Maurice Wilkes , made ​​at the University of Cambridge and they claim is the greenest supercomputer ever produced . Although not among the strongest comparable PCs , the aim of this system to be extremely energy efficient - more , this computer demonstrates the effectiveness of the 3361 Megaflopsa per Watt . According to this indicator is located on the second place worldwide ranking , right behind the Japanese system Green 500 , which in turn is used for cooling the oil system . Wilkes is fully air-cooled , and it is extremely effective cooling system .


This energy-efficient supercomputer will be on the development -driven Square Kilometre Array 's ( SKA ) , the largest radio telescope ever produced , which will be located in South Africa , Australia and New Zealand . Will be used to obtain images from a very early period of existence of the universe , test Einstein's theory of gravity , but also for the search for extraterrestrial intelligent life forms .


The Square Kilometre Array or SKA is a radio telescope still in development in Austraila and South Africa whcih will have a total collectiong area of approximately one sqare kilometere. It will operate over a wide range of frequencies and its size will make it 50 times more sensitive than any other radio instrument. It will require very high performance central computing engines and long-haul links with a capacity greater than the current global Internet traffic It will be able to survey the sky more than ten thousand times faster than ever before.
With receiving stations extending out to distance of at least 3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi) from a concentrated central core, it will continue radio astronomy's tradition of providing the highest resolution images in all astronomy. The SKA will be built in the southern hemisphere, in Sub-Saharan states with cores in South Africa and Australia, where the view of the Milky Way Galaxy is best and radio interference least.
With a budget of €1.5 billion, construction of the SKA is scheduled to begin in 2016 for initial observations by 2019 and full operation by 2024 The headquarters of the project are in Manchester, in the UK


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